Welcome to my crazy life

This is a blog of a single mom trying to make it in the world. Come share the ups and downs with me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome back carbs!

I have decided to introduce a small amount of carb like substances back to my diet. I am going back to my whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta and I also bought whole wheat English muffins. I am going to limit the amount at first to one serving a day, then maybe up to two after a week. I am also reintroducing fruit to my diet. I bought strawberries and cantaloupe today. I am going to reintroduce these things slowly... but I don't what to go without them again. I am going to try and make sure that veggies are the star of every meal. If I don't continue to lose weight I might jump off a cliff. I don't understand how completely changing my diet to veggies, lean meats, healthy fats, low amounts of whole wheat and fruits will continue to my fatness.... we shall see.

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